Instructions for the presenters of the IPST 2023
1. All the IPST 2023 papers will be presented orally by one of their authors. Paper presentations are allocated at certain timeslots. We have foreseen 15 minutes for each oral presentation, followed by a short Q&A of max. 5 minutes.
2. Presentation should be prepared in MS PowerPoint (ppt or pptx) or pdf format according to the IPST 2023 Conference template. Aspect ratio 16:9 is preferred .
3. Presentation will be uploaded in laptops which will be provided in each Session room, using a USB-key. It is not possible to use your own laptop, therefore any video, animation or real time implementation must be properly embedded in the ppt presentation and should be launched automatically.
4. All presentations will be uploaded during the scheduled Authors/Chair meeting. Please also provide a brief CV not more than 5 lines of the presenting author, so that the Session Chair can properly announce you. If you're a student, please mention that you're currently a student in your CV.
5. We kindly ask you to be in you Session room 15 minutes before the start of your Technical Session.
Papers submission is now open!
Now, we accept paper submissions using Elsevier’s Editorial Manager system for the journal Electric Power Systems Research (EPSR) at
Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a paper following the guidelines.
All accepted papers will be published in a special Issue of the EPSR journal, provided that at least one of the authors will register and present the paper during the Conference.
Please follow the directions below by the submission deadline of December 11, 2022.
(1) Login to the system as an author.
(2) Click on “Submit a Manuscript” on the menu bar.
(3) On the first screen, select the code “VSI:IPST 2023” for “Select Article Type”.
(4) Submit your manuscript in the same way as a new paper submission to the EPSR journal except that the manuscript must be prepared using the IPST 2023 Microsoft Word or LaTeX templates, and considering that the maximum number of paper pages is limited to seven (7).
Submission Guidelines
Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a paper following the guideline that are shown below. The Microsoft Word and LaTeX templates are provided in the guideline, and the maximum number of paper pages is limited to seven (7).
One extra page for incorporating modifications pointed out by the reviewers is acceptable, during the round of review. However, revised manuscripts should not exceed 8 pages.
Αll accepted papers will be published in a special Issue of the EPSR journal, provided that at least one of the authors will register in the Conference and will present the paper during the Conference.
Download the IPST 2023 Full Paper Template below.
Available in Word and LaTex Formats.